Manoela Medeiros
Manoela Medeiros (1991, Brasil) lLives and works between Brasil and France.

The research uses different media, mainly sculpture, painting, performance and installations articulate relations between language, nature and ruin.
Manoela studied at École Des Beaux-Arts (Paris, 2012) and at EAV Parque Lage (Rio de Janeiro, 2009 and 2015). Manoela actively participates in several exhibitions and residencies in France and abroad.
Manoela is the co-founder of the Átomos space (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
Manoela Medeiros is represented by the gallery Double V (Marseille, FR)
École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, FR Escola de Artes Visuais (EAV) Parque Lage, Programme PAC II, Rio de Janeiro, BR
Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Graphic Design, Rio de Janeiro, BR
Her work has been shown in solo exhibitions at Concerto a Céu Aberto, Kubik (Portuga)L, galerie Chloé Salgado, Paris,, Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel (São Paulo) galerie Double V (Marseille), Casamata (Rio de Janeiro).
Among her group exhibitions: Expo-Chicago (USA 2020), Fondation Villa Datris (France, 2020), Reservoir, 019, (Belgium, 2020), Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel (SP, 2020) Design Parede, Villa Noailles (Toulon), galerie Praz-Delavallade (Paris), Iberê Camargo Foundation (Porto Ale- gre), 67th Prix Jeune Création, Thaddaeus Ropac (Paris), 62nd Salon de Montrouge, Le Beffroi (Paris); Bergamin & Gomide (São Paulo), A Gentil Carioca, (Rio de Janeiro);
Among her residences and awards:
- Fonds de Soutien, Triangle & Fraeme, Friche Belle de Mai, (Marseille 2020)
- Cité Des Arts (Paris, 2019-2018)
- Pivô (São Paulo, 2018)
- Pipa Award, MAM (Brazil, 2018)
- Winner German Design Award (Germany, 2018) Winner Red Dot Award (Germany, 2017)
- FAAP (São Paulo, 2017)
- 62nd Salon de Montrouge, Le Beffroi (Paris, 2017).