Elena Di Giovani
Instagram: @art_digio

Elena Di Giovanni, born in 1993 to French and
German parents, discovered her passion for art very
early in her life. She’s always looking for new ways
to experiment with different art forms (drawing,
painting, wax, plaster, ceramic and bronze) while
focusing on sculpting life-like creations.
“When I sculpt a human body, I try to show the soul,
feelings and strength that animate it.”
She is especially fascinated by the “lost-wax casting”
technique (in French “Cire perdue”). With this
technique she is able to add a lot of very fine detail
to her more solid sculptures. Elena builds a strong
emotional connection between observer and
- Diplôme des Métiers d’Art en céramique – lycée Léonard de Vinci à Antibes.
- Diplôme National d’Art et Technique, option design d’objet céramique – École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Tarbes.
- Prix spécial Sculpture, GemlucArt Monaco 2018
- Prix Sculpture, Art en Siagne 2018